Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pagi2 g keje.. chewaahhh..g keje eh.., 8.15am.out out!!. wpon rase malas. it is still my duty.
if i'm not working, sape nak bagi femli aku makan.
my day usually brightened up.. bile dgr radio ERA. hoh. bukan nk promot okke.
da lame x dgr sejak akhir2 ni tergatal lagi miang nk mndgr ERA.

ni eyh.. ERA yg nih. bukan ERA FAZIRA.

bukannye ape, suke time slot "MAY I HELP U"..
ohhhhhh.. komfem tergelak sorg2 dlm kete.
bile org seblah tgk aku tergelak sorg2... huhhh..~ADE AKU KESAH?? suke ati aku le nk gelak2 tersenyum2 tersipu2 malu pon kan.
-eyh, org seblah tu means org kt dlm kete seblah kete yg aku naek- paham x?

'MAY I HELP U" is a slot whr the dj will call the so called 'victim', & test their fluency in english.
sbnrnye, ade org len yg hu noes the 'victim' well, anta request tok kenekan that victim.
most of the vicim sllunye, stakat yg aku dgr laaaaa, mesti komfem ckp broken english. mcm aku gak ah kan.haha. tp rase cm aku okey lagi.wahhhhhh..tetibe lak nk masuk bingkai diri sindirik.hoh.

wut interest me is that, altho' the victim awl2nye ckp 'sory2 i dunno english'.. at the end, dia still mampu nk jwb pe yg dj2 ni tnye, in a very much broken english, without knowing they r in fact tgh dikenakan.

sronok bile yg dikenakan tu org mlayu.
MALU sebab org mlayu x pndai ckp english?
HOI!. spatutnye bangga gak la,wpon x reti ckp fasih ala-ala british, at least dorg cuba.xdela plak trus ltak fon tuh.bak kate pepatah ;berpantang maut sblom ajal! ececece..mlayu sjati kau..!
nway, we shud give some respect to them, n bukannye mengejek.
skurang2nye, pagi aku ceria dgr broken english dorg.. ;p

n salute to dis slot. it does teach me lessons.
moral of the story, ckplah broken english di pagi hari.
adios adidas

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